Before calling in the professionals we advise doing a simple evaporation test first. Following these few simple steps you can check if your pool has any leaks.
What Else Should I Know?
To determine if the leak is within a pipe or within the pool structure, carry out the evaporation test twice – once with the system shut off (that is no filter operating) and secondly with the system running for an extended period of time.
You may end up with one of two possible results;
1. No difference between tests indicates possible structural leak.
2. Higher loss with system running indicates probable pressure pipe leak.
If you find that your pool filtration pump is not priming (i.e. not full of water or massive air bubbles) this may indicate a suction leak or blockage. If not attended to this could result in burning your pump out. A suction leak may not cause loss of water out of your pool as it is drawing air, but it can cause obvious damage.
Pool Losing Water?
Able Leak Detection is happy to answer your queries over the phone. For a more thorough assessment, we can come and inspect your pool or spa.
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